Keep Our Community & Sports Center in the Heart of Winslow

As a long time BI resident and taxpayer I would like to voice my concern over the purchase of the Bainbridge Athletic Club (BAC).

In 2015 the taxpayers voted to spend nearly $6 million for the purchase the Sakai parcel.  This purchase was supported by a majority of Islanders, in large part because of its central location, right across from the high school & Ordway elementary, near the library, within safe walking distance, and located on the bus route. 

Now, the Parks Department is taking their focus away from the tax payer approved Sakai project and is spending  another $13 million to purchase The Bainbridge Athletic Club. I believe we should ask ourselves why are we giving up on 23 acres in the heart of the city to purchase a club that is already near or at capacity, 3 miles from town, located on 5 acres with no room to grow or expand? 

What’s that real estate saying?  Location, Location, Location…  Lets keep our Community & Sports Center in the Heart of the Island where it belongs!

Lisa Wiggins

Bainbridge Island


Central Park?


Whoa Nellie!!!