Does Parks purchase of the Bainbridge Athletic Club make sense?
The local Parks District wants to spend $13 million to purchase the Bainbridge Athletic Club (BAC). However, there isn’t a detailed plan available that explains the need or how it will benefit the community. There are lots of questions. As an example, much of the existing BAC space is at or near capacity. So how does this purchase increase recreational access? How does the purchase fit with the development of the $6 million Sakai property that the pubic approved a few years ago? Sakai is close to schools and much of the downtown area. BAC is not nearby and requires transportation. Many seniors are now able to participate in free “Silver Sneakers” exercise programs. Will these seniors be pushed out?
The Parks District plans to complete this purchase before the end of August without holding any public workshops to discuss their plans. The public needs to ask the Parks district to delay the purchase 90 days and hold a couple of public meetings to get the answers to our questions. A $13 million purchase without a plan is not good use of your tax dollars. Contact the Parks District now!
Keith Israel